About JAG(UK)

Our key objectives
- safeguarding the quality and effectiveness of highways as the major transport network
- developing a consistent and appropriate implementation of regulations, fairly balancing the legitimate needs of road users and works promoters of all types
- identifying and promoting good practice in all aspects of traffic and works coordination
- supporting the practitioners within member organisations in their personal professional development through the provision of guidance and timely, appropriate communication on important issues
- representing the interests and expert contributions of the membership in the wider public arena, including government, the Highway Authorities and Utilities Committees, National Traffic Managers Forum and other related bodies
- maintaining an attitude of cooperation and pursuit of efficiency of operation of works, while remaining mindful of regulatory responsibilities.

Sarah Widdows
Permit Scheme Manager (Projects), Norfolk County Council
Sarah is Permit Scheme Manager (Projects) for Norfolk County Council. Previously Street Works and Permitting Manager for Cambridgeshire County Council and prior to that Roadspace Management Manager for Buckinghamshire County Council. Sarah has had 20+ years working in the industry. Sarah is also JAG(UK) Strategy Group Chair, Permit Authority Group Chair and was Anglian JAG Chair for over eight years. Sarah is Highway Authority Chair on the Street Manager Governance Group.