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The governing structure

Council office of the group

JAG(UK) Council

Officers of the group

  • CEO
  • Chair – appointed by agreement of the regional and national Chairs and serving for an agreed term, not normally less than two years
  • Vice-Chair and Chair elect – similarly appointed
  • Secretary
  • Communications Officer
  • The national Chairs of the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland highway authority organisations
  • The Chairs, or nominated representative, of the English region organisations
  • The Highways Co-Chair of HAUC(UK)
  • The Chair of the Strategy and Research Group.
  • Ex officio: (retired members as agreed by the Council)
  • Chairs of Working Groups to report on their activities
  • Plus, by invitation: representatives of other authorities as appropriate, including the Highways Agency, Network Rail, National Traffic Manager's Forum, Department for Transport and the National Street Gazetteer (NSG)
  • Others, as agreed by the Governing Council.
View the JAG(UK) Council Terms of Reference
Council relationships

JAG(UK) Council

Our relationship with HAUC(UK) and Street Works UK

JAG(UK) representatives at every level contribute to the work of the highway authorities and utilities developing efficient collaboration with utility works promoters to reduce traffic disruption from operations. JAG(UK) is represented at HAUC(UK) by the three national chairs, two English regional chairs and the JAG Chair and Vice-Chair.

The Secretary provides assistance to the Highways side of HAUC(UK) and also attends. Position papers and guidance notes adopted by the highway authorities' organisations are offered to HAUC(UK) at the equivalent organisational level, as the basis for adopting agreed guidance. Members also provide the highway side input to HAUC(UK) working groups. As well as working with the utilities on shared guidance and codes, the regional and national authority organisations contribute to dispute resolution and assist in interpreting the Codes of Practice in the real context of local operations.