
JAG(UK) membership
JAG(UK) exists mainly through the commitment of each individual
highway authority allowing key personnel to spend a small amount of time
attending meetings and contributing their expertise to its vital work.
JAG(UK) has seconded the services of a full time manager to
coordinate all group activities and ensure a consistent message is
delivered across the UK. To support the essential service that JAG(UK)
provides, which includes the maintenance and development of the
resources on this website, authority membership requires a contribution
of £750/annum; this could be accommodated by income generated through
legislation that JAG(UK) has helped to establish.
Each Street or Road Authority will receive a request for contribution and by paying the contribution you will automatically become a full member.
Member benefits include:
National and regional voice
JAG(UK) works closely with DfT and other government departments in terms of policy determination and delivery, also through GeoPlace has links to the Local Goverment Association (LGA). We have links with all the national governments and we are integral to the HAUC(UK) process.
UK wide information service
JAG(UK) has links and contacts witn all national governments,
authorities and utility companies and through the web site provides a
comprehensive communications conduit for the benefit of all members
Access to resources via the JAG(UK) website
The web site provides a central focus for all members with a live members forum, a comprehensive information service and policy development area through the various working parties etc.
Voice at Government in policy determination
JAG(UK) works closely with DfT and other government sectors and has communication conduits which allow us to put your point of view
Link to utilities through HAUC(UK)
JAG(UK) works closely with NJUG and other utility representatives we act as joint secretariat to HAUC(UK) and therefore are able to provide help with issues both individually and nationally.
Use of JAG(UK) Manager in terms of policy development and issue resolution
JAG(UK) Manager is a resource members can call on to help with local, regional and national issues and helps delivery solutions or develop policy, he will also attend meetings and provide full support to all members as requested.