Facing Change Together – HAUC(UK) Convention 2021
HAUC(UK) has announced its Annual Convention which takes places online on 19th and 20th May 2021. The theme is ‘Facing Change Together’.
HAUC(UK)’s role in helping government to deliver ambitious targets has become even more important as the UK maps a way out of the turbulence caused by COVID-19.
Right across government, there is increasing recognition for the vital role that street and road works play in the delivery of the UK’s infrastructure priorities. The UK is on the cusp of an infrastructure revolution that will throw the industry under a spotlight, and this Convention will look at some of the key challenges (and opportunities) that are being faced.
The street and road works industry is well placed to deliver. As the membership and representative body for the industry, HAUC(UK) is supporting the acceleration of gigabit-capable broadband coverage, for example, and the decarbonisation of our economy.
Over two days and in four session, speakers at the Convention will address the ‘Big Challenges’, look at ‘What is Changing – and What’s New’, The Vision for Change’ and the ‘Role of Lane Rental’.
A key focus for this year’s Convention is HAUC(UK)’s five-year vision for street and roadworks and will examine:
- Digitalisation
- Innovation
- Skills and workforce
- Collaboration
- Environment and decarbonisation.
The Convention will be streamed via a conference platform that lets attendees, speakers and sponsors interact with each other
Registration and further information, including the agenda and information about sponsors is available on HAUC(UK) Convention website - https://www.geoplace.co.uk/news-events/events/hauc-convention-2021
The HAUC(UK) Convention Committee would like to warmly thank the event sponsors:
- Kent Lane Rental
- Complete Utilities
- GeoPlace
- LinesearchBeforeUDig
- One.network
- Symology
About HAUC(UK)
The Highway Authorities and Utilities Committee (HAUC(UK)) was established in 1986 by the constituent bodies of the local Highway Authorities and the Utilities to assist the Secretary of State in arriving at proposals for new street works legislation. HAUC(UK) played a significant role in the drawing up of the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991 (NRSWA), the Traffic Management Act 2004, and their subsidiary legislation and associated Codes of Practice.
The main aims of HAUC(UK) are:
- To advise the Secretary of State on issues relating to street works legislation
- To provide guidance to practitioners
- To provide a forum for matters of mutual interest in relation to street works
Covid-19 response
HAUC(UK) is currently working with the DfT, Devolved governments and the industry to provide advice notes on the ongoing situation in association with Covd-19.
The co-chairs for HAUC (UK) are;
- Clive Bairsto - Street Works UK Chief Executive Officer and Chairman
- David Capon – CEO JAG(UK)