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The 2016 HAUC(UK) Convention

As most of you will know, earlier this year the HA...

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TRO consultation

You may be interested to see a consultation document that the Department for Transport have published. The c...

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Significant fine for UKPN

Interesting to see that London Power Network/UK Power Networks were twice charged the full £10,000 fine for working without a Permit in this recent court cas...

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New BT Openreach contact details

Our colleagues at BT Openreach have been in touch to say that our their current postal address has been in place for a year now but they are still ge...

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Innovate or stagnate

By David Capon The Industry is reaching a cross road, budget cuts, increase in infrastructure demands, traffic and population growth and political ...

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Are we doing enough?

By Peter Loft and David Latham Permit Schemes have been in use by a number of Utility and Authority practitioners since January 2010, and much has b...

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Hello from the JAG(UK) CEO

By Jerry McConkey It was with great pleasure that I accepted the request to become the new Chief Executive Officer of JAG(UK). I have accepted the r...

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A view from Enfield on street works prosecutions

By Paul Wilkins Did you ever hear the one about the snail who was found in a bottle of ginger beer? No, don't worry if you haven’t heard of it as I ...

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